JSSC PGT Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2023

SSC PGT Exam Pattern, Syllabus PDF
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Name of Post           Jharkhand JSSC PGT Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2023

Post Date                  23 March 2023 Time 07:01 PM

Post Update              09 April 2023 Time 04:01 PM

Short Information     Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) has released JSSC PGT Exam Pattern & Syllabus & Selection process 2023 to conduct Jharkhand Postgraduate Trained Teacher Competitive Examination ( PGTTCE ) 2023 for the recruitment of Jharkhand postgraduate trained (PGT) teacher vacancies. Those Candidates, who want to appear in this exam can check these details carefully.

Jharkhand JSSC PGT Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2023

Advt No. 02-03/2023 Short Details of Notification


Important Dates

  • Application Begin: 05/04/2023
  • Last Date Apply Online: 04/05/2023
  • Last Date Fee Payment: 06/05/2023
  • Last Date Photo Sign Upload: 08/05/2023
  • Last Date Form Correction: 10-12 May 2023
  • CBT Exam Date: Notified Soon
  • Admit Card: Notified Soon

Application Fee

  • General / Other State: 100/-
  • OBC / BC: 100/-
  • SC /  ST: 50/- 
  • Payment Mode: Pay the Exam fee through Online through Debit Card, Credit Card, UPI< Wallet and Net Banking.

Vacancy Details: Total 3120 Post

Regular Vacancy
Name of PostUR STSCOBC-1OBC-2EWSTotal
PGT (Regular)902559213194362332137
PGT (Reserved)30418972661176718
Backlog Vacancy
Name of PostUR STSCOBC-1OBC-2EWSTotal
PGT (Regular)0012946290000204
PGT (Reserved)00411208000061

How to Prepare KVS Interview for 100% Success

JSSC PGT Eligibility Criteria 2023

Eligibility Criteria for Regular Vacancy

  • Master’s Degree with 50% Marks in the concerned Subject with a Degree in Education B.Ed
  • More Details & Subject-Wise Eligibility Read the Full Notification

Eligibility Criteria for Reserved Vacancy

  • Only TGT Working Candidates can Apply
  • More Details & Subject-Wise Eligibility Read the Full Notification

Age Limit 

  • Minimum Age: 21 Years
  •  Maximum Age: 40 Years
  •  Extra Age Relaxation as Per Rules

Minimum Age Count Cutoff Date

  • 01/01/2023

Minimum Age Count Cutoff Date

  • 01/08/2019


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Jharkhand PGT Vacancy Subject-Wise Details 2023

JSSC Advt No 02/2023 Vacancy DetailsJSSC Advt No 03/2023 Vacancy Details

Subject Name


Total Post 

Subject Name

Total Post





PGT Biology21873PGT Biology
PGT Chemistry22775PGT Chemistry3010
PGT Geography16454PGT Geography
PGT Hindi16354PGT Hindi
PGT Economics16755PGT Economics
PGT History18261PGT History
PGT Sanskrit16958PGT Sanskrit1804
PGT Physics25185PGT Physics4514
PGT Maths18563PGT Maths7223
PGT Commerce20067PGT Commerce1705
PGT English 21173PGT English 2205

Jharkhand JSSC PGT 2023 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

JSSC PGT 2023 Exam Pattern

Computer based examination (CBT) will be taken by the commission and if the examination of any subject is taken in different groups, then the marks of the candidates will be normalized. The formula for normalization is separately published on the website of the Commission. On the basis of computer-based examination, the merit list of the candidates will be prepared on the basis of normalized marks obtained by them and after the publication of the result, they will be given normalized marks only.

  • The examination will be conducted in one phase (Main Examination).
  • All the questions in the examination will be objective type with multiple choice answers.
  • A question Paper-(1) will carry 1 (one) full mark, while a question in Paper-(2) will carry 2 (two) full marks.
  • There will be no deduction of marks for wrong answers in Question Paper-1 and Question Paper-2.

There will be two papers for the main examination. This exam will be taken in two shifts. The duration of the exam for each paper will be of 3 hours. Question paper- (1) will ask graduation-level questions while question paper- (2) will have post-graduation level questions.

PaperSubjectNumber of QuestionsTotal TimeTotal Marks
1General Knowledge and Hindi10003 Hours100
2Subject Related Questions15003 Hours300
Total2506 Hours 400


JSSC PGT Syllabus for Paper-1 

(I) General Knowledge:- 
(a) General Studies:-

The purpose of the questions in this will be to test the candidate’s general knowledge and ability in relation to their application in society. Knowledge of matters like current events and day-to-day happenings with minute observation and scientific approach towards them which any educated person is expected to possess. In this, as many questions as possible can be asked specifically in relation to Jharkhand, India and neighboring countries. Current Affairs – Scientific Progress, National/International Awards, Indian Languages, Books, Scripts, Capital, Currency, Sports Players, Important Events. History of India, Culture, Geography, Environment, Economic Scenario, Freedom Movement, Salient Features of Indian Agriculture and Natural Resources and Constitution and Polity of India, Political System of the Country, Panchayati Raj, Community Development, Five Year Plan. General information about the geographical location and political situation of Jharkhand state.

(b) General Science:-

The question paper on General Science will contain questions relating to general apprehension and understanding of science based on day-to-day observation and experience, as expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject, is expected to.

(c) General Mathematics: –

In this subject, there will be questions related to arithmetic, elementary algebra, geometry, general trigonometry, mensuration. Generally, questions will be of Matriculation/10th class level.

(d) Mental Ability Test:-

There will be questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. In this component, as many questions as possible can be asked related to the following- Analogy Similarity and Difference, Space Visualization, Problem Solving, Analysis, Visual Memory, Discrimination Observation, Relationship Concept, Arithmetical Reasoning, Arithmetic Number Series and Coding and Coding etc. 

(e) Fundamental knowledge of Computer:-

In this, questions can be asked related to the knowledge of various computer equipments, MS Window Operating System, MS Office and the method of internet operation.

(f) Jharkhand Special:-

Jharkhand state’s geography, history, civilization culture, language-literature, location, mines, minerals, industry, contribution of Jharkhand in national movement, development plans, sports-players, personality, civic achievements, topics of national and international importance And so on.

(II) Knowledge of Hindi language:

Under Hindi language knowledge, questions based on Hindi unseen passage and Hindi grammar will be asked.

Download JSSC PGT Paper 1 Syllabus PDF Here

JSSC PGT Syllabus for Paper II 

JSSC PGT English Syllabus 2023


A.  Detailed study of a literary age (19th century).

This part will cover the study of English literature from 1798 to 1900 with special reference to the works of Wordsworth. Coleridge, Shally, Keats, Lamb, Hazlitt, Thackeray, Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning Arnold, George Eliot, Caryle Ruskin, Pater.

B. Evidence of first – hand reading will be required. The questions will be designed to test not only the candidate’s knowledge of the authors prescribed but also their understanding of the main literary trends during the period. Questions having a bearing on the social and cultural background of the period may be included.

C. This part will require first-hand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the candidate’s critical ability.

1. Shakespeare : As you like it; Henry IV Parts I, II : Hemlet, The Tempest.

2. Milton : Paradise Lost.

3. Jane Austen : Emma

4. Wordsworths : The Prelude

5. Dickens : David Copperfield.

6. George Eliot : Middlemarch

7. Hardy : Jude the Obscure.

8. Yeats : Easter 1916.

    The Second coming : Byzantium.

    A Prayer for my Daughter : Leada and the Swan

    Sailing to Byzantium : Menu.

    The Tower: Among School Children: Lapois Lazudili.

9. Eliot : The Waste Land

10. D.H. Lawrence : The Rainbow

JSSC PGT Physics Syllabus 2023


1. Mechanics :

Conservation Laws, Collisions, impact parameter, scattering cross-section, centre of mass and lab systems with transformation of physical quantities, RutherfordScattering. Motion of a rocket under constant force field. Rotating frames of reference, Coriolis force, Motion of rigid bodies, Angular momentum, Torque and procession of a top, Gyroscope, Central forces, Motion under inverse square law, Kepler’s Laws, Motion of Satellites (including geostationary). Galilean Relativity, Special Theory of Relativity, Michelson-Morley Experiment, Lorentz Transformations – addition theorem of velocities, Variation of mass with, Velocity, Mass- Energy equivalence. Fluid dynamics, streamlines, 51emagnetiz, Bernoullis Equation with simple applications.

2. Thermal Physics :

Laws of thermodynamics, Entropy, Carnot’s cycle. Isothermal and Adiabatic Changes, Thermodynamic Potentials Maxwell’s relations. The Clausius- Clapeyren equation reversible cell, Joule-Kelvin effect etc. fan Boltazmann Law, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Maxwell’s Distribution Law of velocities, Equipartition of energy, Specific heats of gases. Mean Free path, Brownian Motion. Black Body radiation, specific heat of solid-Einstean & Dbye theories, wein’s Law, Planck’s Law. Solar Constant. Thermalionization and Stellar spectra-production of law temperatures using adiabatic 51emagnetization and dilution refrigeration, Concept of negative temperature.

3. Waves and Oscillations :

Oscillations, Simplo harmonic motion, stationary and travelling waves, Damped harmonic motion. Forced oscillation & Resonance. Wave equation, Harmonic Solutions, Plane and Spherical waves. Superposition of waves, Phase
and Group velocities, Beats Huygen’s principle. Interference. Differaction-Fresnee and Fraunhofer. Diffraction by straight edge, Single and multiple slits, Resolving power of grating and Optical Istiments. Ravleigh Criterion. Polarization; Production and Detection of polarized light (linera. circular and elliptical). Laser sources (Helium-Neon, Ruby, and semiconductor diode). Concept of spatial and temporal coherence. Diffraction as a Fourier transformation. Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction by rectangular and circular
apertures, Holography, theory and applications.


1. Electricity & Magnetism :

Coulmb’s Law, Electric field. Gauss’s Law. Electricpotential, Possion and Laplace equations for a homogeneous dielectric, uncharged
conducting Plane. Magnetic Shell Magnetic induction and field strength. Blot-Savart law and applications. Electro-magnetic induction, Faraday’s Lenz’s laws, Self and mutual inductances. Alternating currents. L.C.R circuits series and parallel resonance circuits, quality factor. Kirchoffs laws with application. Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves, Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves. Poynting vector, magnetic fields in matter—dia, para, ferro antiferro and ferri magnetism (qualitative approach only).

2. Modern Physics :

Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom. Electron spin, Optical and X-ray Spectra. Stern- Gerlach experiment and spatial quantization. Vector model of the atom, spectral terms, fine structure of spectral lines. J-J and L-S coupling. Zeeman effect, paull’s exclusion principle, spectral terms of two equivalent and non-equivalent electrons. Gross and fine structure of electronic band Spectra. Raman effect Photoelectric effect. Compton effect, debroglie waves. Wave particle duality and uncertainty principle. Schrodinger wave equation with application to (i) particle in a box. (ii) motion across a step potential, One dimensional harmonic oscillator Eigen values and Eigen functions. Uncertainty Principle Radio activity, Alpha, beta and gamma radiations. Elementary theory of the alpha decay. Nuclear binding energy. Mass Spectroscopy, Semi empirical mass formula. Nuclear fission and fusion. Elementary Reactor physics. Elementary particles and their classification. Strong, and Weak Electromagnetic interactions. Particle accelerators ; Cyclotron. Linear accelerations, Elementary ideas of Super conductivity.

3. Electronics :

Band theory of Solids : Conductors, insulators and semiconductors, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. P-N junction. Thermist of, Zenner diodes and transistors for rectification, amplification, oscillation modulation and detection of r.f. waves. Transistor receiver. Television Logic Gates.

JSSC PGT Chemistry Syllabus

1. Atomic structure, Periodic properties and chemical bonding —

Idea of de Broglie matter waves, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, atomic orbitals, Schrodinger wave equation, significance of Ψ and Ψ2, quantum numbers, radial and angular wave functions and probability distribution curves, shapes of S, p, and d orbitals, Aufbau and Pauli’s exclusion principles, Hund’s rule, electronic configuration classification of elements as s, p, d and f-blocks. Periodic tables and periodic properties (atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity, electro-negativity) and their trends in periodic table, Their applications in chemical bonding. Covalent bonding. V.B. Theory, VSEPR Theory, M O. Theory, homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules, bond order and magnetic properties. Resonance, hydrogen bonds and vimder Waals forces. Ionic solids – Born-Haber cycle, Fajaris rule.

2. Gaseous states —

Postulates of kinetic theory of gases, deviation from ideal behavior of van der Waal’s equation of state. Critical temperature, pressure and volume. Liquification of gases, Critical constants and vander Waals constants, the law of corresponding states, reduced equation of state Molecular velocities — r:m.s. velocity, average velocity, most probable velocity. Maxwell’s distribution of molecular velocities.

3. Solid State —

Space lattice, Unit cell. Laws of crystallography. X-ray diffraction by crystals. Bragg’s equation coordination number radius ratio rule, detects in crystals and their magnetic and electric behavior semi-conductors and super conductors

4. Thermodynamics —

Law of thermodynamics, work, heat, energy. State functions — E, H, S and G and their significance criteria for chemical equilibrium and spontaneity of reactions. Variations of free energy with T, P and V Gibbs Helmhotts equation. Entropy changes in gases for reversible and irreversible processes. Hess law Bond energy.

5. Chemical kinetics and catalysis —

Order and molecularity, chemical kinetics and its scope, rate of a reaction, factors influencing rate of reaction. Rate equations of zero, first and second order reactions. Pseudo order, half life and mean life. Determination of order of reactions. Theories of chemical kinetics — collision theory, transition state theory, Arrhenius equation, concept of activation energy, effect of temperature on rate constant. Catalysis, characteristics of catalysed reactions, theories of catalysis, examples.

6. Electrochemistry —

Electronic conduction in electrolytic solutions, specific, equivalents and molar conductance, effect of dilution on them, cell constant, experimental method of determining conductance. Migration of ions and Kohlrausch, law. Arrhenius theory of electorlytic dissociation and its limitations, weak and strong electrolytes Ostwald’s dilution law, its uses and limitations Debye – Huckel Onsager’s equation (elementary treatment) Transport number – definition, determination by Hittor method. Galvanic cells, electrodes and electrode reactions, Nernst equation, E.M.F. of cells, Hydrogen electrode, electrochemical series, concentration cell and their applications pH.Buffer solutions theory of buffer action.

7. Transition and inner transition metals and complexes —

General characteristics of d block elements, co-ordination components – nomenclature, isomerism and bonding in complexes V.B. theory and crystal field theory. Werners theory, eAN metal carbonyls, cyclopentadienys, olefin and acetylene complexes. Compounds with metal-metal bonds and metal atom clusters. General chemistry of f-block elements Lanthanides and actinides – ionic radic, separation, oxidation states, magnetic and spectral properties.

8. Non-aqueous solvents —

Physical properties of a solvent, types of solvents and their general characteristics, reactions in non-aqueous solvents with reference to liqued NH3 and liquid SO2.

9. Photochemistry —

Interaction of radiation with matter, difference between thermal and photochemical processes. Lawa of photochemistry — Grothus-Drapper law, stark- Einstein law, Jablonski diagram. Fluerescence. phosphorescence, Quantum yield Photoelectric cells.

10. Hard and soft arids and bases — 

Classification of acids and bases as hard and soft, Pearson’s HSAB concept, acid-base strength and hardness and softness, symbiosis,
theoretical basis of hardness and softness, symbiosis, theoretical basis of hardness and softness, electronegativity and hardness and softness.

11. Structure and Binding —

Hybridization, bond lengths and bind angles bond energy, localized and delocalized chemical bond, van der Waals interactions, inclusion compounds, clatherates, charge transfer complexes, resonance, hyperunjugation, aromaticity, inductive and field effects, hydrogen bonding.

12. Mechanism of organic reactions —

Homolytic and heterolytic bond breaking, types of reagents – carbocations. and nucleophiles, types of organic reactions, Reactive
intermediates – Carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carhbenes, arynes and nitrenes (with examples) Different types of addition, substitution and elimination reactions – SN1, SN2, SNi, E1, E2, E1cb etc.

13. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds —

Isomerism, Optical isomerism – elements of symmetry, molecular chirality, enantiomers, stereogenic centre, optical activity
properties of enantiomers, chiral and achiral moleculers with tar stereogenic centres, diastereomers. threo and erythro diastereomers, meso compounds, resolution of enantiomers. inversion, retention and racemizarion. Relative and absolute configuration requence rule, D & L and R & S nomenclature. Geometric isomerism: Determination of configuration of geometric isomers – E & Z nomenclature, geometric isomerism ot oximes and alecyclic compounds. Configuration and confurmation, conformations of ethane, butane and cyclohexane.

14. Organometallic Compounds —

Organometallic compounds of Mg. Li & Zn their formation, preparation, structure and systhetic applications.

15. Organic Synthesis via enolates —

Acidity of α-llydrogens, preparation, properties and synthetic applications of diethyl malonate and eithyl acctoacetate, keto-enol tautomeins.

16. Carbohydrates —

Classification and nomenclature Monosacharides, mechanism of asazone formation, interconversion of glucose and fructose, chain lengthening and chain shortening of aldoses and ketoses, Anomers and epimers Formation of glycosides, ethers and esters Ring structure of glucose and fructose mechanism of mutarotation.

17. Polymers —

Addition or chain growth polymerization. Free radical vingt polymerization, ionic vingl polymerizations, Ziegler – Natta polymerization and vinigl polymers. Condensation or step-growth polymerization, Polyesters, polyamider, phenolformaldelyde resins, urea formaldelyde resins, epoxy.resins and polyurethanes. Natural and synthetic rubbers. Inorganic polymeric systems – silicones and phosphazenes, nature of bonding in triphosphazenes

18. Study of following types of organic compounds:

a. Alkanes and cycloalkanes — Preparation of alkanes – wartz reactions Kolbe reaction, Corey – House reaction etc physical and chemical properties, free-radical halogenation of alkanes – reactivity and selectivity. Cycloalkanes : Nomenclature, formation, properties – Baeger’s strain theory

b. Alkenes, cyclocalkenes, Diencs & Alkynes — Mechanism of dehydration of alcohols, and delydrogenation of alkyl halides, regioselectivity in alcohol dehydration. The saytzeff rule, Hofmanu elimination Mechanisn involved in hydrogenation, electrophilic and free radical additions, markownikoffs rule, kharasch effect, hydroboration – oxidation, oxymercuration – reduction, Epoxidation, Ozonolysis, hydration, hydroxyltion and oxidation with KMnOu. Polymenization. Substitution at the allylic and vinylic positions of alkenes. Uses Dienes: Classificatin, preparation, properties Alkyness : Preparation, properties, acidic reactions of alkynes, mechanism of electrophilic and nucleophilic addition reactions, hydroboration – oxidation, metal-ammonia reductins, oxidation and polymerization.

c. Arenes and Aromaticity — Aromaticity : The Huckel rule, arematic ions, M.O. diagram, anti-aromatic, Aromatic electrophilic substitution — Mechanism, role of σ and π complexes. Mechanism of nitration, halogenters sulphonation, mercuration and Friedel
Crafts reaction. Energy profile diagram, activating and deactivating substituents, orientation, ortho-para ratio. Side-chain reactions of benzene derivatives. Birch reduction.

19. Study of some reactions —

Pinacol – pinacotone rearrangement, aldol reaction, perkin reaction. Cannizzaro’s reaction, Mannich reaction, Clemmensen reduction, claisen rearrangement, Peimer Tiemann reaction, Friedel crafts reaction, Fries rearrangement. Reformatsky reaction.

20. Spectroscopy —

Basic principles of the following type of spectroscopy and their applications in determining structures.
a. UV –    Visible spectroscopy
b. IR –                 “
c. NMR –             “
d. Mass –             “
e. ESR –               “(complex)

Fore More Subject Please Download Syallbus with below links

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JSSC PGT Selection Process 2023

The selection of candidates for JSSC PGT posts will include the following:

  • Computer Based Test (Mains Exam/ JSSC PGTTCE) – 400 marks exam consisting of 2 papers.
  • Document Verification

How to Fill JSSC PGT Online Form 2023?

  • Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission JSSC Are Issued PGT teacher Recruitment 2023. Notification and Invited Online Application Form for the RPSC Lecturer Various Subject Jobs 2020 Candidate Can Apply Online for 05 April 2023 to 04 May 2023.
  • Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Latest Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2023 Application Form in Government Job Centre Latest Job Section.
  • Kindly Check and Collect the All documents – Hand Writing, Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
  • Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form – Photo, Sign, ID, Thumb, Proof, Etc.
  • Before Submit, the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
  • If Candidate Required to Paying the Application Fee Must Submit. If You have Not the Required Application Fees Your Form is Not Completed.
  • Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.

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